10 Signs Professionals Need Career Counselling

Helene Cue - Thursday 4th June 2020 | Articles
Professionals need career counselling

How do you feel about the job you have now? What about the job you are trying to get? You spend a large percentage of your life at work, dont you deserve a rewarding career? Like any other worthwhile goal in life, sometimes you need a bit of help along the way. For many people, this comes in the form of career counselling? Does this sound like something you need, or are you unsure? Take a close look at these ten signs that you need career counselling.

1. You’re Earning a Paycheck But Are Unhappy

If you’re stuck in an unfulfilling job, career counselling should be your first step. A qualified counsellor can help you to create a roadmap or plan of action to move away from your current job, and into one that is truly fulfilling for you. They’ll ask you questions about your talents, goals, and what your ideal workplace would look like. Then, they’ll use that advice to guide you towards jobs where you will be more productive, and happier.

One of the key ways that your counsellor will help you is by getting you to dig deep, and understand the source of your frustrations. This way, you know exactly what factors to avoid when you look for work elsewhere.

2. You Haven’t Advanced As You Should

Does it seem as if everyone in the office is getting promoted around you? Have your one-year plans turned into five-year plans? Dorian Martin of Wow Grade has pursued career counselling several times. He says, “If you feel as if your career is jogging in place, you should definitely consider career counselling. They can help you identify opportunities to advance your career, and figure out any deficits that might be holding you back.” 

3. There Are Gaps in Your Resume

It would be wonderful if potential employers only considered what was in your resume. Unfortunately, they have to consider what isn’t there as well. That’s why gaps in employment can be a challenge. This situation can be worse if those gaps have happened for performance reasons such as doing poorly on tests, or frequent job changes.

A good career coach can help you here on two fronts. First, they can help you determine the best way to handle gaps in your resume. Then, more importantly, you’ll be able to work with your counsellor to create strategies for explaining those career gaps in a way that benefits you.

4. You’re Suffering from Career-Related Anxiety

It’s hard to make effective career plans when you are plagued with anxiety and uncertainty. If you’re anxious about your career path, that’s perfectly normal. After all, there aren’t many things more important than this. Just understand that help through job coaching is available. By actively participating in career counselling, you’ll develop a better understanding of your career goals. Then, you’ll be able to ensure that the actions you take are positive and productive.

5. There’s a Lack of Focus in Your Career Goals

Do you have detailed, focused career goals, or do you have a wish list? A career goal should be based on SMART principles. They should be detailed, measurable, and attainable. If your career goals need to be refined, you could definitely benefit from a reputable job coach.

6. You Don’t Trust Advice From Your Inner Circle

Sometimes the people closest to you are well-meaning but a bit clueless. They may give you career-related advice based on a skewed perception of your needs, or simply tell you what reflects the advice that would work best for them. 

With a career counsellor, you don’t have to worry about that. Instead, you get unbiased advice from a third party perspective. Even better, the feedback you get comes from a trained professional who has an established record of helping people achieve their career objectives.

7. You’ve Strayed From Your Original Career Goals

Sometimes, life circumstances can lead you a bit astray when it comes to achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself. For example, you may have stayed in a dead-end position for too long because it provided some needed stability. Now, you’re unsure of how to get back on track. Maybe you feel stuck where you are. If so, consider using career based coaching to help you identify why things went off rails, and create a career plan for getting back on track.

8. You Have no Idea What You Want to Do

Can you have fulfilling work experience if you are unsure of the career you wish to pursue? The answer is absolutely yes. First, a career coach will work with you to help you figure out what you would be best suited for in a career. Additionally, they can help you find the best job right now. That way, when you are in a position to truly identify what it is that you’d like to do for the rest of your life, you’ll be ready to pursue your dreams.

One way that you can benefit from this kind of assistance can be seen in your resume or CV. Once you’ve established clear goals, you can articulate them in your resume with the help of tools like Studicus, Supreme Dissertations, or WhiteSmoke.

9. Interview Nerves Are a Problem

Writer Estelle Liotard specializes in career-related content at Trust My Paper. According to her, “A basketball coach helps every player to work at their absolute best under pressure. That’s what a career coach does as well. If you discuss interview related nervousness with your job coach, they will help you with useful strategies that you can apply right away. Before long, you’ll stop ‘getting in your own way’ during job interviews.”

10. You Want to Succeed on the job You Have

There’s more to career counselling than getting help with your job search. A career counsellor can also provide you with advice and guidance to help you thrive at work you already have. Have you landed a great job already?

If the answer is yes, a career counsellor can help you with the following:

Determine whether you need a mentor.

Create strategies for getting a raise or pursuing training opportunities.

Build a short and long term career strategy.

Fit in better with company culture.

If you think career counselling isn’t for you, it may be time to reconsider. A qualified counsellor can help anyone who is struggling to achieve their goals, or who is simply unsatisfied with the trajectory of their career. 

Author Bio: Helene Cue is a talented writer who loves to explore topics such as technology, career growth, and marketing. Her writing appears in multiple publications, and she is a contributing writer at both FreeEssayWriter and BestEssayEducation.


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