Career Counselling for Working Professionals

Mohar Bhattacharjee - Wednesday 20th October 2021 | Articles
Career Counselling Working Professionals

Working a highly paid corporate job might not always guarantee job satisfaction. Instances show, there are many professionals, working wholeheartedly to yield fruitful results, yet aren’t satisfied with the job they are doing. This isn’t a regular thing but definitely a common one. That is why career counselling for working professionals is a need of the hour. People often stereotype that career counselling is only for students or for candidates who are confused regarding the selection of their respective career paths.


Its high time that we get rid of such beliefs and accept that career counselling is available at any point in life. Working professionals can always seek career counselling to discuss the major queries they have with a professional. The reasons can be many and that is what we are going to focus on in this blog.



Why Do Professionals Need Career Counselling?


Career counselling for working professionals is a whole different thing than that of students. There might be scenarios when a professional is looking for a job change but is confused regarding the next move. Or, they might desire to change their present job and start something innovative or shift to fresh air. These are the primary reasons behind a professional seeking career guidance. Now, before we move forward and discuss in detail the reasons, let’s take a brief look at what can be the major problem a professional might face in his work area.


There are some common workplace challenges that working individuals might face. Facing challenges and overcoming them is indeed a stepping stone towards success. However, there can be scenarios when these tough situations can make the person realize why he needs a break from it. In a developing economy like India, it is not always possible to take a quick stand regarding job change and hence the individuals continue to suffer in silence. By no means, I am trying to indicate this is regular and things are always like this. Not at all. Many people are living a satisfactory work-life. My message is to those who aren’t leading the same life. Ask yourself why? What are the things bothering you? Is it something that you can sort out on your own? Or do you need professional career counselling? 



Lack of Engagement with the Workplace 


A recent report suggests, about 32% of employees are motivated and engaged in the workplace while around 50% of employees are reported to be not engaged. The remaining percentage is reported to be completely disengaged to work.


Such issues aren’t a joke anymore. This is a waste of time on both sides, for both the company and the employee himself. The firm can recruit potential candidates in that place who will show better engagement. Similarly, the individual can find himself a satisfying job where he can contribute better. Considering the dilemma they face, whether job change can be fruitful, why are these challenges there in the workplace, and how they can be sorted, the help of a professional counsellor is required.



Reasons A Professional Worker Needs Career Counselling


A qualified counsellor helps the working individually with valuable suggestions that help him plan his upcoming endeavour accordingly. Let us take a look at the major reasons a professional working individual will seek career counselling.



  • Exploring Available Career Options 

Seeking career guidance might not always be for a job change. Like, you can also go for the same to know about the further career options lying ahead. Honestly, this is nothing but being safe. After working for a considerable time, you learn a lot and acquire tons of skills. Having a career counselling session with an expert will give you insights on further career prospects which can be a good fit for you, considering the skills and knowledge you have. Who knows you might need it in the future for some reason or the other? That’s why I said its nothing but being on the safe side in this digitally growing culture.



  • Job Switching 

Now comes another interesting point to discuss. There are examples of an individual joining a company without any interest due to certain unavoidable needs be it monetary, family pressure, or anything significant. Now, there can be two sides to this coin. Either the person will fall for the work he will be doing or he will develop severe disdain towards the job role. In the case of the latter, he might wish to explore other career options or switch to something of their interest and come out of the stressful environment. All these queries can be delicately solved by a career counselling expert.



  • Higher Studies Aspiration

There are many working candidates who aspire to go for higher studies. They want to add another feather to their crown and with the aid of that additional degree, they wish to explore further career opportunities. There can be instances when the individual wishes to opt for higher studies in a different field than the one he has been working for till now. Confusion might arise from such scenarios and the best possible way to sort things out is through career counselling sessions.



  • Exploring the Suitable Alternatives

You can be good at a number of things. You can be an excellent employee at a design firm and still be an expert at solving maths equations. Based on your skill set, you might be interested in exploring suitable job roles. However, you might not have practical experience or sound knowledge about the concerned position. That is where an expert can guide you perfectly.



  • Stress Handling

Career counselling isnt always beneficial to suggest job switches only. You can even reach out to a professional and discuss the hectic hours and stress that are bothering you. Working under tight deadlines, meeting boss expectations, coping up with professional and personal life and every such scenario can contribute to stress enhancement. Seeking professional guidance will help you to deal with such situations accordingly and leave a balanced life.



Which is the Best Career Counselling Website for Working Professionals?

Now that you know why career counselling is significant for working professionals, you must be wondering how to locate an experienced professional counsellor. Amidst tons of websites scattered across the internet, things can be really tough while looking for the finest website that provides you with the best counselling services. Well, you need not worry about it. Because you are at the right place already! Yes, Edumilestones brings at your service the scope to connect with qualified counsellors of the country and discuss your problems.

The steps to book your appointment are completely hassle-free. In the section that follows, I will be detailing the steps of getting in touch with a career counsellor. Moreover, I will also tell you why Edumilestones is the best choice for working professionals to seek career counselling.


How does Edumilestones provides the best Career Counselling for Professionals?

Edumilestones has 2200+ registered qualified counsellors across 100+ locations in the country and has successfully conducted many counselling sessions. Follow the steps below to schedule an appointment with the experts.

  • Step 1: Open the Edumilestones website and wait for the home page to turn up which says "Find Career Counsellor Near You".
  • Step 2: From the red drop-down box, select ‘Career Counselling for Professionals’.
  • Step 3: In the search location box, enter your location. If you are from Mumbai, type it out and press enter.
  • Step 4: The list of counsellors will pop up on your screen. You can browse through it and move forward with one of your choices to book an appointment.

Feel free to reach out to our team in case of queries. 


Edumilestones: 5 Dimensional Career Assessment

The 5-dimensional career assessment for professionals is an exclusive package from Edumilestones that helps individuals take career assessment tests and execute the plan accordingly. This is a top-class way to assess your needs and solve doubts to move ahead with a clear plan. 

  • Click on the link given above in the paragraph and it will direct you to the career assessment page. 
  • Click on ‘Start Career Assessment’ and complete your registration providing the valid credentials as asked. 
  • Take the career assessment test and get your detailed career analysis, suitable recommendations, and mid-career switching plans. 
  • Make your decision now and execute the plans accordingly.

The Edumilestones Career Assessment for Professionals is by far the best way to deal with the various queries you have. This is the stage that gives you the perfect analysis of the assessment and helps you make firm decisions suiting your needs. 


The Bottom Line 

I think by now its clear to you that career counselling sessions aren’t only for students but for working individuals as well. Any person is eligible for career counselling at any point in life and that works for professional individuals too. If you are someone with highly satisfactory job life, that’s amazing! My best wishes to you. If you are the ones with a non-satisfying job life and stuck between the do’s and donts, its high time you speak up about the problems to a professional and start living a fulfilling life!

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