Pre-Hiring Assessments Boost Recruitment and Hiring Success

Cathrin Anthony - Wednesday 9th October 2024 | Become a career counsellor
Pre-Hiring Assessments

Does this candidate have the right skills and experience for the job? The most common question that every employer asks themselves.


According to LinkedIn, new hires fail at the rate of 46% within a year and half.These statistics raise concerns like if the hiring process is right or hiring the right candidate is that difficult? The questions are never ending.To improve these numbers and make the hiring process more accurate employers use pre-hiring assessments.


In this article youll learn:

What are pre-hiring assessments?

Why are pre-hiring assessments required?

What are the benefits of pre-hiring assessments?

What are the types of pre-hiring assessments and tools used for them?

How does the HR Miles program from Edumilestones work?


This article serves as a complete guide to pre-hiring assessments, to boost recruitment and improve your hiring success.


What Are Pre-Hiring Assessments?

Pre-hiring assessment tests a candidate’s technical, behavioral and situational judgement abilities to provide a clear picture. The goal isn’t just to select the best fit but to identify individuals who will grow and bring long-term value to the company. Pre-hiring Assessments aim to evaluate both the suitability and sustainability of the candidate within the organization.


Why Are Pre-Hiring Assessments Required?

Given the high rate of failures in new hires and challenges in hiring process, pre-hiring assessments have become essential. These assessments not only help employers make more informed decision but also play an important role in team building and reducing turnovers.


Key reasons for Implementing Pre-hiring assessments:

  • New Hire Success: Pre-hiring assessments reduce the risk of misfit in the organization. This improves the success percentage of new hires.
  • Better hire, better fit: By evaluating both technical and personal traits, employers can see if the candidate will do well in the role. This evaluation also helps to determine if the candidate can contribute to the company’s growth.
  • Predicting success: Pre-hiring assessments predict job performance more accurately. This helps employers assess the candidate’s potential for success in the organization.
  • Identifying skill gaps: These tests help employers identify areas where candidates need further development. Additionally, it supports targeted training and the on-boarding process.
  • Money-saving: Hiring misfits is expensive. Replacing them requires paying for training, onboarding, and service pay. Pre-hiring assessments cut down on these costs.
  • Improves cultural fit: Pre-hiring assessments can help find candidates who align with the company’s culture, values, and work environment.


Benefits of Pre-Hiring Assessment

Pre-hiring assessments do not overlook the candidate hiring process; instead, they also contribute to the overall wellness of the company by introducing new employees with new approaches. By helping select the right candidates, they can significantly impact business outcomes such as increased sales, higher profit and enhanced reputability.


Top benefits of Pre-hiring assessments:

  • Accuracy: These assessments ensure accuracy by measuring the skills, cognitive abilities, and characteristics of the hiring candidate. This enables employers to concentrate on the most qualified applicants who possess the right qualifications for the role, reducing the risk of bad hires.
  • Time and Cost Efficiency: These hiring processes quickly reduce the applicant pool. This helps employers concentrate on the most qualified applicants and cut down the time spent on traditional hiring methods such as interviews and resume evaluations.
  • Fair hiring: The accuracy of pre-hiring assessments reduces biases. They ensure that all candidates are judged fairly based on abilities rather than personal characteristics or subjective opinions.
  • Improved team dynamics: By evaluating candidates personal choices and interpersonal skills, employers can determine if new hires will fit into the existing team. This leads to better collaboration and a positive work environment.


Do pre-hiring assessments apply same to all candidates?

To understand this let’s explore the different types of pre-hiring assessments.


Types of Pre-Hiring Assessments

Pre-hiring assessments can vary depending on the role and organization. Common types of pre-hiring assessments include:

1. Job knowledge Assessment

  • The assessment measure how much knowledge the candidate need for the job, ensuring that the candidate possesses the necessary skills.
  • Hiring managers supervise job knowledge tests to identify candidates understanding of the job they’re applying for.
  • The test specifically examines whether the candidate is aware of specific elements of the role.
  • For example, hiring managers test an accountant on tax regulations, rules of accounting etc.


2. Personality Assessments

  • Personality assessments reveal the personality traits to employers. They evaluate a candidate’s behavior and how well they fit within the organization.
  • The results show the candidate’s involvement and interest of candidate into the organization.
  • By examining these qualities like teamwork and leadership employers get a clear image of how the candidate will perform in team.
  • Ultimately, these assessments help in selecting individuals who align with company values.


3. Cognitive Assessment

  • These assessments measure the mental capacity for the job. Cognitive Assessment evaluate problem-solving skills, logical and reasoning abilities.
  • They gauge the candidate’s mental ability and how quickly they can grasp new information.
  • Cognitive assessments check how well the candidates can adjust to new situations or unexpected changes.
  • Additionally, numerical reasoning skills is assessed to see how effective a candidate can analyze data.


4. Integrity Assessments

  • As the name suggest, these assessment measure qualities like honesty and trustworthiness.
  • These are particularly useful in handling sensitive information such as finances or customer data.
  • Integrity assessments help employers find people who not only follow company rules but act responsible in their daily work.
  • This reduces the chances of misconduct and creates a trustworthy work environment.


5. Skill Assessments Test

  • Skill Assessments cover a wide range abilities including technical skills, communication skills, problem solving skills etc.
  • Employer use these tests to ensure candidates possess necessary skills to excel in the role.
  • They reduce the risk of mismatching best fit with a normal fit and promote fairness in hiring.
  • For example: When hiring a software developer, the employer will give coding skill test.


Tools required for Pre-Hiring Assessment:

Tools for Job Knowledge Assessments

Brainbench or LinkedIn skill assessments offer job knowledge testing across different industries and different roles. These platforms verify candidates’ expertise in specific areas.

Tools for Personality Assessments

Big Five Personality Traits or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator evaluate behavioral traits and how well the candidate aligns with the work culture. Beyond skills, these tests determine if the candidate fits well within the organization.

Tools for Cognitive Assessments

The Revelian Cognitive Ability Test or Wonderlic Personnel Test helps to assess logical, problem-solving and quick thinking. They provide cognitive assessments to find high-potential individuals.

Tools for Integrity Assessment

Platforms like the Integrity app and Mercer help in measuring a candidate’s ethical standards, honesty and dependability. These tools reduce the risk of misconduct in the workplace.

Tools for Skill Assessment

Tools for skill assessment vary on roles. Test Gorilla or Vervoe for soft skills. Similarly, employers use Hacker Rank or GeeksforGeeks for technical roles. These tools provide real-world environments to assess practical skills required for a job.

While there are many tools available, it’s essential to choose the one that fits your organization’s needs. I would suggest HR Miles program from Edumilestones as one of the best pre-hiring assessment tools.

If you’re seeking assessments for pre-hiring assessments or learning and development, HR Miles offers extensive options to meet your needs. It gives a lot of flexibility by offering 80+ pre-built assessments for roles along with the competencies. You can also customize by creating your own assessments from libraries.

This platform is a 100% AI-powered platform, where you can conduct online interviews and video-based interviews with AI conducting analysis. Additionally, it includes psychometric, behavioral, and cultural assessments, helping you to evaluate candidates’ traits. The platform features performance blockage assessments. HR can access a detailed report that gives a clear picture of your evaluation.


So now, how does HR Miles work?

HR Miles has a 5-layer filtration process that ensures 80% efficiency and 70% retention. HR Miles believes that success is determined by the combination of skills and behavioral traits. By balancing this equation, HR Miles has created the filtration process. The 5-layer filtration process includes:

  • Select the assessment: Choose the assessment from a vast library according to your roles and requirements of choice.
  • Competencies selection: Identify your key competencies required for the position.
  • Customize Questions: Customize the questions to address your concerns or needs during the evaluation.
  • AI filtration and analysis: Utilize the advanced AI technology in the platform to filter and analyze candidates’ responses.
  • Access Report: Access the detailed report generated for more insights into the candidate’s performance. Utilize the detailed report for further analysis.


In conclusion, pre-hiring assessments are essential components of the hiring process. Hiring managers must find the right balance between assessments and other hiring methods is crucial. Consider both the benefits and limitations of pre-hiring assessments is essential when implementing them.

When applied thoughtfully, pre-hiring assessments help hiring managers in building strong teams and effective organizations.

Cathrin Anthony


Cathrin Anthony is a passionate content writer specializing in education and career counseling

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