How to start a career counselling business in India Next Gen

Ankit Agrawal - Thursday 1st October 2020 | Become a career counsellor
start a career counselling business

The market cap of career guidance and counselling is currently estimated over 5000 crores in India. The Total Addressable Market (TAM) of career counselling in India is huge as more than 400 million people in India need career counselling and guidance.

We need 1.4 million career counsellors to cater to such a huge population. Currently we have less than 10000 professionally trained career counsellor.

Source: India Today

With more and more people confused about their career lives, the demand of career counsellor is higher than ever and it is expected to grow in the near future.


How career counselling market is evolved in last 10 years?


In the starting of the decade, students use to take the standard career path of becoming a doctor or engineer. Everyone had a herd mentality of choosing the same career option their parents suggested or what their peers were choosing.

Traditionally, career counselling was considered only for 8th class students to 12th class students but in last 10 years it has evolved completely. Now it is not limited to only school students.

Demand of career counselling for graduates and working professionals is increased multiple folds in last 10 years. With more number of career options, professionals are bound to get confused.

The 21st century has revolutionalised the career counselling industry. The career counselling and guidance market has begun to gain prominence and recognition it deserves.


Importance and Significance

  • 400 million people in India between the age group of 15-35 need career guidance.
  • We need 1.4million career counsellors as per India today article, less than 15 companies implement it on large scale.
  • Every month more than 5,00,000+ people search for career counselling on Google itself.
  • India needs 1.5 million career counsellors to cater to 400 million youth population. 
  • Currently, there are less than 10000 trained career counsellors available to address this growing demand.
  • As per the India Today report, we need 1.4 million career counsellors in the next ten years. As we can see, there is a massive demand for career counsellors.
  • However, there is an acute shortage of trained and professional career counsellors.
  • Through technological advancement, career counselling business is highly scalable. 
  • It makes the ideal recipe for the boom for career counselling industry for the next 25 years.
  • Online career counselling is one of the industries thats not impacted due to COVID-19 and the demand has increased by 2x.


“After NEP 2020, the demand of career counselling is expected to increase multi folds.”

 Next Billion Customers, is the next level

There is a huge scope for large size projects.


Career Counselling Business will be simple and successful if you understand these 3 important points:

Lets understand 3 simple and effective business points that will make you successfull in career counselling business.

1. Who is your Target Audience for career counselling business?


Career counselling services are availed by School Students, College students and even experienced Professionals. Are you planning to cater to all the spectrum of the audience or a niche? Either way, you need to be clear about it to move to the next level, for clear communication with your target audience.

Tip 1: For school going students, target audience is not students but parents who takes their decision.

Tip 2: Career counselling demand for working professionals is increase multiple folds. Target this segment.


2. How to communicate with your Target Audience? 


Creating visibility. You may be the best career counsellor in the world, but your potential clients do not know about you…what is the use?

There is only two ways to communicate…

A) Online

B) Offline

There is no third medium of communication…

Tip: “ There are free or cost effective ways available for you to promote your services which is powerful especially for career counsellors.”

It is possible to build a “perpetual lead generation system” for career counselling business.

With 10 years of experience in establishing 1800+ best career counsellors in Asia, we have bettered the art of making career counselling businesses successful.

We are gladly sharing the learnings and step by step process in building an exponential and stable lead generation system in our training sessions.


3. How to deliver the best solutions to your Target Audience?


You should not be satisfied with just “customer satisfaction”, you should ensure “customer delight” every time.

Give more than expected always.

Your clients are delighted in such a way that they get 10 more clients for you.

Tip: Do not limit yourself to offer only career assessment and career report. There are lot more to offer in career counselling solutions.



How to start a next generation career counselling business vertical using edumilestones technology?

Edumilestones career counselling technology platform for career counsellors is considered as Industry Benchmark. There are 2 types of solutions available,


White-label Career counselling platform set up 

Set up career counselling platform with your branding and personalization throughout the platform. It is most suitable for career counsellor or edutech companies who want to promote their name in front of their audience.

Edumilestones is only company that provides 100% whitelabel platform solutions to  career counsellor partners.


  • 100% Branding
  •  High Scalability
  •  Save Time and Money
  •  Your Payment Gateway
  •  Quick Customizations
  •  Accurate, Reliable and Validated
  • Network Creation with your branding
  • Dedicated Technology Support

Refer : Whitelabel career counselling platform services by edumilestones

Co-Branded Career Counselling Platform set up 

Set up your career counselling platform with your own brand name and leverage co-branding of edumilestones.

It is most suitable for individual career counsellor, trainers, teachers, HR consultants and small edutech companies who want to promotoe their name along with edumilestones co-branding. 


  • Leverage edumilestones Brand Name
  • Quick setup
  • High Scalability
  • Cost effective
  • Accurate, Reliable and Validated

Refer : Co- Branded career counselling platform services by edumilestones

8 Important Essentials in one career counselling platform offered by edumilestones


edumilestones is a leading career counselling platform in India. More than 1800+ career counselling platforms are powered by edumilestones technology. Find out below the list of 8 important essentials offered by edumilestones in single platform


1. 22 Types of Career Assessment

The career assessment is an essential tool that helps an individual to understand their strengths, interests, abilities and map it with preferred career options. 

 Career Assessment should have following


  •  Career Assessment should be highly accurate and reliable
  •  It should be multidimensional
  •  Should be based on well proven psychometric theories
  •  Should have different types of assessment for different age group


Edumilestones is having largest range of career assessment starting from 5th class to working professionals. All the assessments are based on well proven psychometric theories that helps candidate to find most suitable career option for candidates.

Edumilestones use 5 dimensional psychometric assessment methodology for   school student and 6 dimensional methodologies for graduates and professionals. These Dimensions are 

Career Interest 

Career Personality

Career Motivators

Learning Style


Emotional Quotient

Career assessment is one of the important factors of the career guidance process. Career guidance is not limited to school students. According to Indeed survey, 40% of the people are dissatisfied with their current job. Hence, considering its importance we provide 22+ types of career assessments available in Hindi and English Language and 5 other languages. 


2. 32 pages Comprehensive Career Report

Career report analysis is an important factor to determine where you stand in your career in the next coming years. Hence, considering a career report during the career assessment is important. A career analysis report should have the following: 


  • Make sure that it has a detailed plan for the overall year. 
  • A career report should be simple and easy to understand. 
  • Career paths should be described in detail. 
  • It should be conclusive.
  • It should have detailed execution plan 


When considering a career report analysis make sure that it describes what actually needs to be done in the coming years. This step should be under consideration as most of the reports lack the basic understanding and thus fail to provide the right path which is suitable for an aspirant. 

Edumilestones provides a detailed career report considering the 5 main points as discussed above.  Career Exploration happens among 20+ career clusters, 175+ career paths and 3000+ occupations. 32 + pages comprehensive report help student to work towards achieving their goal and setting up their career path with ease.  Each comprehensive report comes with detailed execution plan.


3. Student Dashboard

Career counselling platform should not be limited to assessment. It should have following


  • Should have Colleges information
  • Should have career information included new age career options
  • Should have exam related information
  • Application process support 


Edumilestones one of a kind platform is not just limited to assessment.

Edumilestones student dashboard covers information of the 1 lac+ colleges, exams, predictions, milestone report, career library, career boosters, career lab and videos.

It is a perfect combination of knowledge repository and career exploration.


4. Career Counsellor Dashboard 

Career counsellor is the one who is driving the business, it is essential to have a separate dashboard for career counsellor  with full control so that career counsellor can focus on counselling not on calculations.

Edumilestones provide a dedicated dashboard/CRM for each counsellor for profile management, career report access, lead management. This is a perfect place for career counsellors to manage and scale their career counselling practice.

Whatever you need to manage and scale up your career counselling business, all are integrated in your single career counsellor dashboard. You just focus on business rest all technicalities leave it on us.  

Career counsellor dashboard is not limited for internal purpose but also used to scale up the business through creating multiple sub CRM, referral network, and school dashboards.


5. Integration and Process Customization

Are you planning to start career counselling as a separate vertical in your company?

Do you want to integrate career assessment with your existing website? 

Do you want customization and personalization in process? 

It is just simple with edumilestones.

Our ready to use API will make it simple for you.  With very less technical capabilities, easily  you can integrate with your website.


6. Career Counsellor Training and Certification

Certified Career Analyst (CCA) program is the most comprehensive program for career counsellors by edumilestones. It is considered to be the industry benchmark.

Edumilestones has trained over 1800+ career counsellors all over the world. 

The pedagogy and teaching methodology is considered to be the best and it is the highest rated career counselling program in India.


7. Data Security and Transparency

We at Edumilestones know how important it is to protect data and provide security to all our candidates. And, therefore, we assure you that your details are in safe hands and are shared only within the organization to the career counsellors.  

We use this data to keep connected with our candidates through events, activities and communications to build a professional connection with the edumilestones community, making sure that you are not missing out on any important update. Thus, by making use of end-end-encryption we make your details available only to the counsellors. 


8. Dedicated Support

A 24/7 support or after sales service is highly important when you are into a public platform to solve queries of candidates and to make sure that each candidate is completely satisfied with the products or services offered by the organization.  

We at Edumilestones ensure that all our candidates are getting proper help from counsellors making sure that they are receiving the best user experience. Candidates can access these help in form of emails, WhatsApp or call. 


Conclusion: If you are passionate to start your own career counselling business then edumilestones can help you to achive this milestone. We have transformed more than 1800+ career counselling business in last 10 years. Start a successful career counselling business with edumilestones official partner program


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